
ACO REACH CAHPS Survey QAP with Survey Materials Due by Friday, August 2, 2024
folder_openOther Announcementscalendar_todayPosted July 19, 2024

All ACO REACH CAHPS Survey vendors with contracted REACH ACO clients for PY 2024 must submit an updated Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) with completed templates of all mail and telephone survey materials by Friday, August 2, 2024.  The updated QAP should include:

  1. Templates of the formatted Standards/New Entrants mail questionnaire, English and Spanish versions. Survey vendors who have High Needs REACH ACO clients must also include copies of the formatted High Needs mail questionnaire. Include dummy sample data and make sure you do not provide survey(s) with a real beneficiary's name.
  2. Screenshots of the programmed Standards/New Entrants telephone instrument, English and Spanish versions. Survey vendors who have High Needs REACH ACO clients must also include screenshots of the programmed High Needs telephone instrument. Include dummy sample data and make sure you do not provide survey(s) with a real beneficiary's name.
    1. Note: You may submit a secure link and credentials for the ACO REACH CAHPS Survey Coordination Team to test the CATI program in lieu of submitting screenshots.
    2. Returning vendors may submit a reduced set of screenshots or CATI programming that reflects only changes made since the previous performance year.
  3. Thank You/Reminder postcard
  4. First mailout cover letters and outgoing envelope
  5. Second mailout cover letters and outgoing envelope
  6. Facility outgoing envelope
  7. Business reply envelope
  8. A crosswalk between internal status codes and ACO REACH CAHPS final status codes, if not included in your approved QAP.
  9. Your helpdesk voicemail greeting and email auto-reply text, if not included in your approved QAP.
  10. All changes to staffing and/or protocols that have occurred since your QAP was approved.
    1. Note: If you have made key staffing changes, including subcontractors, please also update your online ACO REACH CAHPS Vendor Application form.
  11. A clean copy of your approved Quality Assurance Plan. All tracked changes from the initial QAP submission should be accepted. Only revisions made since the previously approved QAP should be tracked.

For more details about required survey materials, please refer to the online Model QAP Outline linked here:

To ensure prompt review and acceptance of your QAP, please submit a Word version (not a .pdf or other format) of your QAP online at the "Submit Quality Assurance Plan" link located under the "Vendors" tab once you are logged into the private side of the website.

Vendors with questions should contact the ACO REACH CAHPS Survey Coordination Team via e-mail at or call 1-833-870-0486.